Section 15 is 117 miles long and runs from Monarch Pass to Tennessee Pass. Part 1 is 78.8 miles long from NOBO Marker 1115.3 to Tennessee Pass.. September 20th - 22nd.
Day 89, 31.7 miles to NOBO marker 1147 (1740 overall)
It was a little warmer than usual this morning and the trail was gentle and cruisey so I racked up some miles right off the bat. I soon reached Route 209 which was newly paved this summer after some nearby avalanches completely wiped out sections of the road. I then began the long climb up Lake Ann Pass, about 3,000 ft over 8 miles. There were a lot of small streams on the way up so at least I didn’t have to carry a lot of water. The aspens were starting to turn yellow which was gorgeous and helped the miles tick by. As soon as I got above the tree line, the wind became ridiculous as I wound up the many switchbacks and it stayed relentless until I made it to the North side of the pass. I flew down the other side like I was on an alpine roller coaster and was determined to hit that 30-mile mark for the day.
Aspens turning yellow.
Brand new road after an avalanche wiped out sections of it.
Heading up Lake Ann Pass.
Lake Ann.
I passed some remnants of the old mining camp of Winnfield as I continued on along Clear Creek. The sun began to set behind some peaks and casted a crazy pinkness in the clouds. As I passed some hikers setting camp they said “it’s getting dark, you should set camp soon!” and I just laughed to myself. They don’t know that thru-hiker life. I filled up on water at a creek and then began the much steeper pass of the day, 2,500 ft over 2.3 miles up Hope Pass. In general, 1,000 ft over 1 mile is insanely steep. This was steeper and longer. I soon had to bust out my headlamp as I hiked up and into the night, constantly keeping an eye out for hammock trees. There was a listed campsite about halfway up and it was perfect; a few big trees, fire pit, and clear cold water about 100yds North. I set camp and made a fire to keep warm as I cooked dinner. A few flurries of snow fell as I enjoyed my meal and went to bed.
Crazy sunset.
Day 90, 24.4 miles to NOBO marker 1179.3 (1772.2 miles overall)
I didn’t sleep too well but at least it was calm and not freezing in the morning. I continued the steep climb and thought it was a cruel joke how the switchbacks hugged the west side of the mountain so I was in the morning shade. When I reached the top I could Twin Lakes in the distance and bounded down the pass towards them. I soon arrived at the junction to take a long and uneventful 11.3 mile loop around Twin Lakes or a 3 mile shortcut across Lake Creek and and a few other streams. The choice was obvious. The ford was not even knee deep and I stopped for lunch on the rocky riverbank on the other side. There was a great view of the twin lakes of Twin Lakes and next thing I knew I was back on the official trail. The Mount Elbert trailheads are on this stretch so the day-hikers were out in strong numbers today. I was feeling a bit too tired to tackle the alt route up to the summit so I decided to save this 14’er for another time. I chatted with Nhandi for a bit when I had service and she agreed to hike Mount Elbert with me next time we happened to be in Colorado in the summer. When service faded out, I realized how few miles I had made today so I kicked it into high gear to crush 8.8 in a straight shot. The temperature began to drop so I stopped to dig out my beanie and gloves and then resumed my march. I planned to go another couple miles but when I reached a clear stream, fire pit, and great hammock trees, I decided to set camp before darkness and relax a little.
House Finch.
Twin Lakes.
If you do this, **** YOU!
The twin lakes of Twin Lakes.
Pretty Aspens on the Colorado Trail.
Picturesque little bridge.
Day 91, 16.5 miles to Highway 24 and a hitch to Leadville, CO.
Another night of mediocre sleep followed by a big tree trunk blocking the morning sun rays from reaching my bed meant not an enthusiastic start to my day. However, it was a town day so the thought of town food and beer always adds a pep to your step. I racked up some miles and during a snack break I chatted with my good friend Nick who lives in Sweden. The trail was beautiful but uneventful as I plowed my way towards the highway. At one point there was a confusing web of arrows to try to untangled the intersecting Nordic ski trails and closer to the highway was a fancy porch swing. At the trailhead I ran into a huge trail family that I hadn’t seen since Lima, ID, Sultry Bear, Whiz, Golden, Dad Jokes, and crew so I chatted with them for a few before beginning to hitch.
A girl named Eleven picked me up. She had just finished the PCT this year so she was eager to pay her hitches forward and I was the first hitchhiker she had ever picked up. I got to town and was dropped off at the Colorado Trail House which is a hostel ran out of a huge purple Victorian house in the middle of town. Nobody was there but a CT hiker gave me a quick rundown of the rules; basically there are none, just pay Jenny when she is around. I helped myself to some house wine, started laundry, hopped on the wifi, and began catching up on my blog. I met two section hikers who sounded like they just finished a 200-mile stretch; saying how famished they were and how they smelled so bad before having a shower. Turns out they had camped for two consecutive nights. A thru-hikers baseline is so skewed! I patched some leaks in my Neoair sleeping pad and then Jenny gave me a lift to Safeway to do my food resupply. My good friend Neil drove down to chill for the night so we had beers around a little fire pit, chatted with other hikers, and enjoyed the hot tub.
Mount Massive.